04 Nisan 2012

Tornado Here!

Tornado Here!

Posted by Lee Ann Tegtmeier

 at 4/3/2012 2:06 PM CDT

If you're following the weather or Twitter right now, you'll know that tornadoes have been spotted here in the Dallas area. Well, that means all of the MRO exhibitors and conference attendees are down on the lower level of the convention center. Yep, your closest 8,000 MRO friends!

This exercise is proving how social the MRO crowd is--it's like a big reception with everybody mingling--but no food or beverage other than water. It's kind of like a college reunion with people catching up with old pals.

People always appreciate the coffee breaks during our MRO Conferences, and well, this is some unscheduled extra time. 

Our industry tries to minimize unscheduled maintenance events, but, like the airlines, we cannot control the weather--so--go meet some new people while we're all down here.Comments (0)

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